Thursday, May 1, 2008

Here I go....

Staci finally convinced me to start blogging. I don't really have much going on in my life ever and i don't have much to say but she says it will be fun so I said OK. :)

I guess lots of things have changed lately. I moved into a cute little townhouse in Clearfield, my car got totalled and the insurance people gave me so much more than my breaking car was worth (so it was all good), and i am probably going to buy a new car tomorrow and i can't wait!! :) Its a white 2003 Corolla S with a spoiler and sunroof and its pretty much my dream car for some reason. haha:) I love the interior and i think thats why i wanted it so much so i wouldn't look for anything BUT the corollo S. I'm just stubborn that way i guess.

I find something i like than i obsess over it. There are a few things i am obsessed with right now. (the corolla S, Jason Castro, making lists, and a hopeful future trip to Australia) These are things that anyone who knows me knows that i like these things :)

Thats all for now!


Mrs. Bennett said...

David's dad went on a mission to Austraia. I would like to go there too one day.

Becky said...

Hey girl! Yeah! Now I can catch up on your life. Welcome to the blogging world. Just write whatever you want, it's interesting to hear what is going on in your life.
love you!

Karen said...

Good job Staci! Welcome Anne Marie! I love reading about my cousins and I wish we had had this blog stuff growing up. How fun would that have been?! Good luck with your car purchase and show us some pictures.

Karen said...

P.S. I LOVE your picture with Grandma.

Heather said...

Hi Ree - glad you are finally blog-writing!

Nancy said...

Okay, okay....I plan to join you in the blogging world....sometime.